First Baptist Church

Everything we believe - all the details of our doctrine - spring from knowing God, through His Son Jesus Christ. He's the reason we exist, the goal we aim for, and the explanation of life!
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First Congregational Church

First Congregational UCC is an Open and Affirming, Christian faith community that offers a traditional worship service.  While worship is traditional in form, the message is that of a loving and welcoming God where it is believed that God is still speaking.  Worship opens with the phrase; No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Click the link for more information:

First Lutheran Church

First Lutheran Church of Geneseo is a community of Christians actively living out our faith in Jesus Christ.  Our worship services share uplifting, relevant messages in an open and inviting atmosphere for adults and children.  Through education, service and various activities for people of all ages, we learn about faith and experience God's love.  We invite you to join us in our mission of Sharing Christ's Love!
Learn more about our church:

Geneseo Evangelical Free Church

Geneseo Evangelical Free Church is filled with people who have discovered that the missing something was a someone… God. We offer ministries for all ages that share a single purpose, connecting people with the true God who fills our lives with purpose and passion. We are a Bible-preaching church, and we believe that God’s Word provides us with unchanging truths to guide us in a constantly changing world.
Learn more at:

Saint Malachy’s Catholic Church

Saint Malachy Catholic Church seeks to carry on the mission that Jesus entrusted to the Church, to make disciples of every nation, by sharing the Good News in both word and deed.  Our parishioners are committed to fostering a warm and inviting environment, which not only seeks to make visitors feel at home, but invites all to become an actively engaged member of our parish family.
You can learn more at: