Geneseo Current

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Stations of the Cross Sunday at St. Malachy Church - By Claudia Loucks

By Claudia Loucks
Geneseo Current

Members of the high school youth group at St. Malachy Church, in addition to other youth in Geneseo, will portray the Living Stations of the Cross, tracing the path that Jesus walked to Calvary on the day of his crucifixion.

The young people will stage this year’s dramatic story from 8 to 9 p.m. on Palm Sunday, March 24, at the church. The performance is open to the public and there is no admission.

Bob Thoene, high school youth ministry coordinator, is the coordinator and spiritual director of the presentation with co-directors Elizabeth Hulsbrink, Lance Carroll and Victor Angelo.

The youth do the music, narration and the reenactment.

The Stations of the Cross are the 14 stations Jesus endured, beginning with Jesus being condemned and ending with his death. These events encompass Jesus’ journey carrying his cross from the Hall of Pilate where he was condemned to death to the site of his execution on Calvary.

The Living Stations performance has been presented by the high school youth at St. Malachy’s for so many years that no one is quite sure when it began, but a best estimate puts it at about 40 years, and the original script is still used although much of the program has gone through some changes since its beginning.

Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross is sometimes referred to as Way of Sorrows or Via Crucis. The 14 stations:

-1. Christ condemned to death.

-2. Jesus carries the cross.

-3. His first fall.

-4. He meets His Blessed Mother.

-5. Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross.

-6. Christ’s face is wiped by Veronica.

-7. His second fall.

-8. He meets the women of Jerusalem.

-9. His third fall.

-10. He is stripped of his garments.

-11. His crucifixion.

-12. His death on the cross.

-13. His body is taken.

-14. He is laid in the tomb.

Youth in the Geneseo community make up the cast for the Living Stations of the Cross to be presented at 8 p.m. on Sunday, March 24, at St. Malachy’s Church, 595 East Ogden Ave., Geneseo.