GHS FFA Annual Banquet held on April 17

Jacqueline Walters - Wetzell
GHS Agriculture Teacher & FFA Advisor

With a turnout of over 120 members, parents, and guests, the 2024 FFA banquet took place at Geneseo High School on Wednesday, April 17th, commemorating the achievements of FFA members throughout the past year. FFA participants engaged in more than 16 career and leadership development events, securing the first runner-up position in two state contests: Horse Judging and Ag Sales. In the Horse Judging team were Dawsyn McDonald, Jaiden Minnaert, Bailey Koning, and Braden Fender, while the Ag Sales team comprised Abby Frank, Austin Pearce, Ayden Kane, and Joseph Venneberg. Additionally, 13 FFA members attained their Greenhand Degrees, with 7 earning their Chapter Degrees. Kylie Maertens and Joseph Venneberg are set to receive their State Degrees in June at the FFA State Convention in Springfield, IL. The event also marked the farewell of five graduating senior FFA members, who ceremoniously retired their FFA jackets: Russell Brown, Drake Chambless, Trent Chamberlain, Abby Frank, and Kylie Maertens.

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